Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Don't Wait, The Time will Never be Just Right

A quote by Napoleon Hill which I read on one of my favourite book, "She Means Business."

Just read this book in early year because I saw it on my friend's ig story and surprisingly I love this book so much! Not like the other self-development book, this book taught me to be brave and having an optimism feeling in a realistic way. It doesn't mean that another self-development book is bad, but I just love her thought in this book so much.

This is one of my favourite quote that I found in this book:

These words triggered me to do something which I've been thought for a long time but still didn't do it yet because of my fear. Yaa,, I just started it, don't know it will bring me to the success or no, I just wanna..... try. From now on I just wanna do what I want... not just for the sake of money. I don't wanna be a person who only wait for weekend/pay day because of doing something I dislike but I have to. I wanna be a happy person who do happy things then in the end having the best result that make me proud of myself.

I'm thankful because of this book and really hope that I can do my favourite things constantly (yaa because I lack of consistency,, LOL).
If you wanna start your own business or just wanna know about how to build a business, I really recommend this book to you.

So what's your favourite book?
Let's share!

